Monday, June 26, 2006


Deepak Chopra's fascinating insights into self therapy, as articulated in his Synchrodestiny, is well worth a read, whether you are a genuine pursuer of spiritual matters or encamp yourself in the rational side of the universe, ever ready to hurl the next rotten tomato at such offbeat theories and methodologies. He essentially discusses how easily we immerse ourselves in the material realm, thus disconnecting with subtler levels of reality that pervade with energies, or "pure potentials", capable of manifesting themselves as positive opportunities in the material dimension of our daily lives. Notwithstanding the obvious commercial slant in advocating a universalist outlook that weaves diverse spiritual and religious traditions into a common voice, I am nonetheless pleased to find that we both share common thoughts about causality - the implicit acknowledgement that underlying our failure to comprehend the subtler (or nonlocal) realm, is our inability to make sense of non-linear causality, where the ontological boundaries between cause, causation and effect can go all haywire. Conversely speaking then, have we all attributed false and vain significance to certain events and achievements in our lives, conveniently overlooking the sobering realization that in our material realm, all occurences could merely be radial extensions or elaborations of an unchanging, central prototype of causality? Perhaps, until we grasp the mere ornamental function of worldly concepts such as "importance", "significance" and "glory", we are doomed to an endless meandering in our rivers of pain and dissatisfaction.


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