Sunday, May 21, 2006


And without warning, burdensome bricks of alienation rain from the skies and coagulate into an insurmountable wall, revoking forever my license to your beauty. With the most valiant of my efforts I surmise the distant boundaries, a twilight zone of emotions I never knew existed. Vouch for my anxiety, will you not, to gallop unto the edges and peer around for a glimpse of the shadow that I have learnt to worship. However, the crushing truth remains thus; sensory deprivation ruins love, much like the eloping indigo destroys the rainbow. Then I recall an ancient adage; that when prosperity and affliction, when adoration and hatred, when goodness and evil collide, each mocks at the possibility of turning into the other. This ridiculous wooden stage we occupy, long since defined by our stagemaster through difference and contrast. Division is lamentable, recurrently tormenting the previous whole. Staking my all to sprint towards you again, we only turn into fodder for corpulent brokers laughing in the skies.


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