Monday, May 08, 2006

Ruthless Painter

See for yourself at all the colours and shades of colours you possess. Amber, burgundy, lilac, alone possess the audacious liberty to adorn the space you wilfully created for us all. And with one sudden invasive gesture you summon and hence consign me to the fate of a canvas, whiter than snow, dripping tears of evanescent fear and sadness. You setup your easel and don a disgraceful beret, you impostor of the highest kind. Then, without a fraction of warning, without a morsel of compassion, splash upon splash of all that horrendous paint come raining down upon my translucent nakedness. Would any paintbrush in the universe suffice to illustrate this mindless vituperation? Certainly you desire to capture a snapshot of your utter psychological conquest, in the presence of those jesters who parade their future scars with shameless pride. My only defense, to unleash a silent mockery reflected eightfold upon myself. The bitter cold, the sting, the stench, the suffering! Pinned by rusty nails I am unable to regain my whiteness, to redeem the most initial sentiment, to retrace the sunken footsteps of my reluctant journey. Till the insidious poisons of your paint seep through the paper, however, my innermost victory is assured, waged over some plateau beyond the highest planes of your consciousness.


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