Monday, May 15, 2006

Some Shriveled Hand

Some shriveled hand parades a finger
On faded vows it chose to linger
A wistful shiver, a moment’s glimmer
A clandestine soul with a forlorn shimmer

Sticks and stones will break your bones
Forgotten words we deign to condone
Desire and faith are hapless clones
Forever pining, forever alone


Blogger minerva said...

Oh, but such a sad, sad verse for a lovely image.
That would be the whirling dervishes (or the Sufis) - of whom my initial chance meetings have since led to a greater interest and renewed search of identity (or raison d'etre, yes).. It's a lovely image of Hope, passion & gay abandon (as in the context of 'divine love').

You write beautifully, Dennis.
- And sometimes, some words do remind me of a more angst-driven past, of writing, of dejection, expectations of humanity gone wrong, heartening meditations surviving only as sad vestiges of more cruel, harsh realities that strike at the core essence of the temporal glass-havens we'd constructed for our fragile sense of security..

My humble musings here:
Yes, nihilism can be fascinatingly comforting. There are times when this school (of thought) seems to offer the only sensible answer to the baffling mess that life can submerge us into. Yet, there *are* moments (as ephemeral, yet all the more treasurable) spent with dear ones that may lift the grey veil if at least, momentarily.

Perhaps, along with your ruminations, you could try checking out Rumi (ancient Persian poet) or even Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali poet-philosopher-thinker), for some of their writings (poems/ghazals, short stories or essays) have been known to be great beacons of Hope to worn souls too.

Do take care, keep writing & musing,
Best wishes, minerva*

11:44 PM  

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