Sunday, June 18, 2006

Reflections on Troy Stones

Esoteric religious artefacts are usually completely incomprehensible, for the value in their mystique is surely proportionate to their inaccessibility. Rarely, then, have I chanced to stumble upon such a gem, whose very design conceals a subtle symbolism, or should I say an embodied metaphorical representation of the concepts which they portend to elaborate upon. Such a candid, if unintentional giveaway, this Celtic Troy Stone can be! Once used by sagacious old women to communicate with the other world via altered states of consciousness, as they twirl their bony fingers through the paths of these intricate labyrinths, humming arcane melodies, who would have thought that the fludity and lack of formness of these designs might potentially be a symbolic parallel of the uncodified and malleable characteristic of Celtic oral narratives! With that, rethink the fertility symbols, the spirals, their union with the Green Man and that plethora of contemporary our modern attempt to freeze what was meant to be fluid, our innermost artistic and conceptual instincts betray us in the most blatant and regrettable manner indeed! What better option to take, then, than to forfeit myself in her enchanting melodies, and weave my own fabric of sorrow, regret and remembrance; my own poignant reconnection with the Ancients...


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