Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fat Kid

In all we do we desire symmetry, and court duality as if it were a precious rose that would quit lest it be defended through the night. If that was not the case we would not behold Adam and Eve, our Purusha and Prakriti, and indeed despite the denial of those who trudge the ancient path, our Goddess and Green Man. Even in the most distasteful events in life, we are not spared by perhaps the comfort of being able to invest all our sorrow and grief in a singularity, such that the intensity of our struggles could at least seek a focused resolution. In pursuit of the invisible line that dissects good and evil, certainly not as balanced as we might wish for, there can only be ambivalence. And so it is, that after the previously mentioned uprooting of the dog in the manger, grevious infelicity continues to descend upon me. With an uncannily perceptible snap, I collapsed upon baked concrete. However in some divine exchange economy, yet governed by duality, I was afforded by virtue of the stunning injustice some tokens to barter for reprieve. Hence the bold stride towards a cherished dream; the light knock on the doors of greatness. Hence the gentle, reassuring reply, chirping of some hope and salvation. Yet despite all the rambling, who would join me in mourning for the elimination of the precious Gayle Nerva? Oh the lamentations continue...


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