Monday, December 19, 2005

Nietzsche's aphorisms

I am not fully in agreement with Nietzschean philosophy (sometimes I do not even begin to understand him) but there is something charming about the man himself. The forcefulness and conviction of his writing truly lives up to the calling of his own creed, that interminable surge towards a Will to Power, the discarding of pettifogging, ineffectual notions of morality and the emergence of the triumphant Superman. An intimidating and questionable ideal by anyone's standards, but he has left behind gems of good writing, and good writing heals my soul in such a profound way! Here I would like to share some of his aphorisms - compressed bits of wisdom - may it also bring a smile to your face, a muse for your intellect, a whiff of fine ointment to your soul.
The charm of knowledge would be slight, if there were not so much embarassment to overcome on the route to knowledge.
Love of one man is a babarity; for it is practised at the expense of all the rest.
It is dreadful to die of thirst in the sea. Must you then salt your truth so much that it can no longer quench your thirst?
What? A great man? I always see only the actor of his own ideal.
Anyone who fights with monsters should make sure that he does not in the process become a monster himself. And when you look for a long time into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
What is done out of love always happens beyond good and evil.
Ultimately one loves one's desires and not the objects one desires.
"He dislikes me." -- "Why?" -- "I'm no match for him." -- Has a man ever answered this way?
And my personal favourite: Truth is a woman, we should not treat her with force.


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