Thursday, December 08, 2005


Moon! You solitary ebullient disc, you shimmering storehouse of withered dreams. You flirtatious nymphette behind a veil of clouds. You sentinel of an eternal night, intoxicating soma, bittersweet nectar of the gods, wine of the heavenly guests. You beacon of souls, you lover of wistful stardust. You rekindle then you falter, you reflection upon still water. Seduction is your habit, tranquility your guise. Beneath your warm light, we waltzed past sorrowful eyes. Moon, will you outshine the sun any further? Is it destiny that darkness shall engulf light, the ravens echo the melody of the night? Longingly she smiles, blessed night mother, weaving her web of love across continents and skies. Moon shine moon, dawn signals your departure too soon. I hurl a stream of sentiments towards the heavens, in it a fragment of my soul, a sacrifice to be truly whole. That thou art, that thou art, death of ancient wisdom tears me apart. Rest, rest, the young sun shelters your fatigue. Three watches later will I continue to seek.


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