Monday, November 21, 2005

And then there was none

And then there was none, the final droplets of dew vaporize into oblivion, carrying away memories of daybreak's transient affections. Irrationally proud to be chlorophyll's lone repository, a leaf basks in evaporated glory, genetic memories of the Green Man's demise painlessly swept away. And yet they breathe the same stars! The lonesome cry of ancients, gatekeepers of druidry, forever lost in resonating limbo. A slash, a wild fire, sanctity to the evil pyre! Effiges in effulgence, the pain of sadistic indulgence! Resist and thy blood shall staineth my blade! Victory, destruction, the irony of the illumination at the end of a Dark Age. Sun, you eminent star, surely you alone can distinguish darkness and light. Awaken! Nonetheless, screeches and screams, the Ancients' dreams, all evaporated into the memories of daybreak's transient affections.

And the face of the victor? Why, a corpulent, meat chewing despot, precipitator of landslides and acid rains! Deliver a checkmate to nature's rebellions, will you not, kindly gentleman? Edicts of masters and slaves forgotten, but vengeance is sweet and karma is rotten.

And the despot ceases his march before our heroic leaf, chlorophyll's lone repository. Profound reconciliation, will you come this instant? Time to crucify Cinderella, my sweet underlings. For it is without a moment's hesitation, that the hideously obese bigot plucks leaf from stem, O Infernal Dukkha.....and Alas! Demonic derangement! A glimmer of insanity peppers his delicacy! He shoves it in his mouth and chews and bites and incises and swallows, O how tasty, how succulent, how delicious is the larva, the final sorrowful echoes of the Green Man...Eat, eat, eat! Fill your pork bellies and wallow in the oil bath that evicts your rectum. Breakfast, lunch, dinner for tuppence, humanity swallows impending come-uppance.


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