Friday, November 18, 2005

A Tale

It seems that the more abstractedly i try to write, the more it is a sign that I have lost touch with my feelings and emotions. I've never believed in laying them bare for the world to see, not because of a fear of vulnerability, but that no one will stop and take me through them. In these times I reckon it would be easier after all to chug them along, by myself, on the road. And an arduous road it is turning out to be, one step barely justifying the next.

Anyway here's a little tale. When they were young, Ganesha and Murugan, who were squabbling but inseparable brothers, decided to have a little race among themselves. As deities, of course, it would be no ordinary race. The winner would be the first to complete one round around the world. From the command "go", Murugan took off furiously and sprinted with all his might across the continents and oceans, sidestepping mountains and valleys along the way. When he was finally back at the starting point, gasping, exhausted but assured of victory, he was curiously disgusted to see his brother, Ganesha, dancing victoriously by their mother's side. Exasperated, Murugan confronted him and lashed out, "We're supposed to run once around the world! What are you doing here? And you think you have won? How is this?"
Ganesha tugged merrily at the long flowing gown of his mother, Parvati, and said "I have won. I ran once around my dear mother, who is my everything, my world."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a nice tale indeed! addie

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very sweet story. I think it reinforces the idea that everyone's view of the world is different --> its all tricks of the mind.

1:31 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Agree...its interesting how subtle lessons can be learnt, if only we are open to them....

4:32 PM  

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