Monday, August 07, 2006


If Divinity one day decides to vanquish all souls, reserving a trickle of compassion for you and a beast of your choice to while the remaining years away, how would you play your cards, O Noah incarnate? Know that desperation is a leveller of power and a filter of egos; through the lenses of dependence and despondence our supposed dominion becomes worthless. What will it be then? The magnificient Red Hare, robbed of its majestic owner by troubled circumstances; the eminent stallion who shines with battlelust; who grinds the tangy salt of blood and dust? Can he grind your solitude too, for all eternity? How about the legendary tiger of Blake's fantasies, incandescent throughout the jungles, its existence merely to satisfy some bizzare rhythmic desire? Perhaps when you come face to face with the tiger, you might realise the same of your own existence. But a lonely scream, no matter how thunderous, can only be deflected back unto a lonely soul. Blessed beasts of the world, must our happiness be destroyed as such, before the beauty of your spirits shine through?


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