Sunday, July 30, 2006


That moment when we first cast our glance sideways, in clandestine scrutiny of some hapless prey,willing even the light rays to bend and nourish the sprouts of ill intention, we lose our innocence forever. That moment when we are first moved by the warmth of our mother's embrace, when our childhood sweetheart sprinkles us with the first drops from the deluge we later know as Love, only for us to rapidly become cognizant of Love's steadfast consort they call Hate, we officially cast our lot with humanity, and lose our Way for all eternity. That moment when I first doused the tip of my quill with ink, etching a fragment of my soul onto paper such that it may never be denied again, when I first learnt that there is no hiding place for the heart from the mind, and vice versa, I looked beyond the emptied eyes in the mirror, and saw everyone else staring back. They tenderly caress one another's carcass, longingly hailing the unknowable day of liberation. And from that moment on I have slept, and vowed never to awaken again.


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