Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Tomorrow officially marks a new beginning, when I will once again don the seafaring rig and discard papers and keyboards and pens into a whirlpool of cloudy memories. A hearty chicken cutlet, a final meal bestowed by my superior, sends me off with contented bloatedness. Nonetheless whatever I do shall still be paraded beneath the vain banner of futility. And freedom...yes, the magic of that word shall dissipate away from me, now that I have come to cherish the distinguished prize that blood has been spilt over, tears have been endlessly shed for. No longer can I take possession of every evening and saunter down the alleys of melancholy, my shadow as companion. Perhaps my anticipation should now be directed towards every ripple of the evening, every crash of the waves against the pier, from which I will hopefully pick up an inspirational gem or two.
You, dear ones with new beginnings as well, remember to look for your own gems in your crowded places.


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