Sunday, March 12, 2006

For Want Of

For want of companionship, we sacrifice our individuality. For want of security, we crush the ailing spirit of adventure. For want of happiness, we desensitize ourselves to the gentle carress of melancholy. For want of health and wealth, we turn away from the aroma of spirituality that drifts wistfully past our nostrils. Never can we root ourselves firmly on the zenith of authentic existence, restraining our tentacles from tincturing the forbidden fruits of desire. Then again, what authenticity is there to speak of, if no man has yet trodden there! Make a desperate plea to the strongest tenets of existentialism...or swivel in the intoxicating bottomlesness of one endless illusion after another. Feverish exhortations deserve no less a feverish response, peace will I experience if I know that the throbbing vibes in my head do not come to nothing after all.


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