Friday, February 17, 2006


They always say that a great contrast brings out the sorest inadequacies in the belittled half of the comparison. A recent cursory study of the life and times of the great Mahatma Gandhi, spiritual and symbolic beacon of Indian nationalism, illuminated that point to me even further. Faced with the tremendous magnamity of his soul, his gentle yet undying tenacity to exemplify his principles and his great compassion even at the point of stern persecution, it brings me sorrow to realise that no evolution or epiphany can bridge the gap between the two of us, infinitely seperated by time, space, circumstances, and an unexplanable yet fundamental moral chasm. While i am inclined to believe that humans are born with glaring imperfection, I am likewise fascinated by every quest to purge that imperfection, most typically done by pursuing religious and spiritual ideals. Ghandi has combined that with an unwavering political mission, thus broadening his enlightenment quest to ensure the benefit of millions of his countrymen. Occasional weaknesses aside, what splendour his soul emanates! How befitting that this present pile of filthy rags, dampened by the oily stenches of guilt and shame, is carelessly abandoned in some murky corner of this great shadow of emanation! Sometimes, the most intricate pieces of the puzzle can fall perfectly into place, when the player snuggles beneath a vast cloak of inferiority.


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