Tuesday, January 31, 2006


If Sun could ever so briefly trespass the borders of twilight, and unveil his celestial counterpart for an instant, would the cold be overbearing, would melancholy puncture his virile predilections? If day could caress night, as night longs for the day, would darkness repent from itself and be purged by the healing rays of the latter? If kindness begets evil, as evil foreshadows kindness, would a lucid confession become a mere prelude to ten thousand lies, as soothing melodies pave the way for an orchestral tempest? If I suffer your innermost vociferations, as you mirror the subtlest nuances of my psyche, could we unlearn each other's burdens, savour the champagne of predestination and dissolve our karma with every tragic embrace? You, drink cross-armed from the poisoned chalice of my soul; stride past the insurmountable obstacle, and we'll be forever whole.


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