Thursday, July 05, 2007

Time and Time Again

The most fascinating aspect of time dilation must be what they term as psychological time dilation - the dubious yet undeniable feeling that time flies when we are having fun and grinds to a virtual halt when we deign to suffer. Its charm lies not merely in the absence of obstruperious equations - since anything psychological automatically divorces itself from arithmetic - but in the fact that genuine to the spirit of relativity, every individual experience and hence every unique frame of reference must be taken to be valid. That is certainly why a trip to the dentist or dinner with parents-in-law may be thoroughly enjoyable to some, but a descent to Hades for others. But how then does the "mind", or whatever ephemeral object demarcated by the constructs of psychology, participate in a seemingly material process governed and calculable by physical equations, to a satisfactorily vigorous extent? How can we be certain that psychological time dilation is not merely a metaphor fortunate enough to be blessed by a scientifically grounded source domain? But enough for now, I feel that this blog is taking me ages to formulate.


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