Saturday, June 02, 2007

Till the Beginning

Surely it must have been the most delightful of melodies that first pierced our forefather's dusty eardrums; the sweetest of aromas that first wafted into his curious nostrils; the first drops of dew from an infinitely early sunrise that first tickled his poetic fancies; the first brush with fire that tantalized him with the mystique of passion. As with all other sentiments and understandings that we label the precursors of our emotions and intellect, what sage can capture the overwhelming essence of Beginning? In all that we do, while we train our eyes forward and spur our dreams and fantasies to that point in time we call the End, how foolish we are to turn our backs on the Chief recaller of memories; the bestower of melody, harbinger of scent, author of aesthetic inspirations! Yet imagine our mortal surprise, when we are rafted back to one magical beginning after another, and begin to realise that a glance over our shoulders is all it takes, for every Beginning and End to reconcile in a cosmic embrace!


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