Thursday, January 25, 2007

For Destiny

Ingrained within each of us is a seed of destiny, a compass that exalts us to pursue the northern star, even as chilling breezes lacerate the skies and evaporate our blood and tears, leaving invisible scribbles of our struggles behind. Beware thou, however, that a constantly stolid upward glance can never compensate for the blind spots we are all too ashamed to glance at. In the multi aspectual sphere of our existence, how foolish it must be to render all desire and passion unto a solitary direction! Yet many can only learn through the most venomous of stings, and the mockery is multiplied thus if you happen to be grasping a companion's hand in foolhardy bliss. The path belongs not to you alone, traveller! Respect the dust that come together to form your pedestal, even if you acquire the ability to leap. Let not your gift of sight be crestfallen, but rather open your eyes and breathe through every moment of your solitude. Whistle a tune of pulchritude, for destiny has achieved her verisimilitude .